MOSCOW: Mikhail Gorbachev, who as the last leader of the Soviet Union waged a losing battle to salvage a crumbling empire but produced extraordinary reforms that led to the end of the Cold War, died Tuesday. He was 91. The Central Clinical Hospital said in a st
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BANGALORE, India , Aug. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The global Gas Treatment Market is segmented by Type - Amines, Non-Amines, by Application - Acid Gas Removal, Dehydration. Glob
An internal federal document says the preparation for turning nuclear waste into glass logs will produce toxic vapors.
In this July 9, 2014, file photo, workers wearing protective clothing and footwear inspect a valve at the "C" tank farm on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation near Richland.
August 23, 2022 08:00 ET | Source: FACT.MR FACT.MR
Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to the recently published
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A projected shortage of sulphuric acid could stifle green technology advancement and threaten global food security, according to a paper published in The Geographical Journal.
Sulphuric acid is required for the production of phosphorus fertilizers and for extracting battery metals such a
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Marathon Petroleum Corp. (MPC) has bee
A Step Into Cleaning Skid Row
LOS ANGELES (CNS) – The Los Angeles City Council today took a first step toward expanding citywide the Skid Row Clean Team, which works to prevent trash and debris buildup in the area.
The team — which consists of people in the communit
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