California’s current gas rules offer a variety of subsidies to a customer, builder or developer who wants to connect to the gas utility system – while the total cost of the gas line extension is initially paid by the applicant, a portion of those costs are then offset, with ratepayer fundi
A general view of the Cheniere Texas LNG facility in Portland, Texas, U.S., June 13, 2022. To match Insight USA-LNG/AIRQUALITY REUTERS/Callaghan O'Hare
PORTLAND, Texas, June 24 (Reuters) - Cheniere, the largest U.S. exporter of liquefied natural gas, boasts that it’s helping to
Lindsey Desoto is a licensed, registered dietitian and experienced medical writer.
Shadi Hamdeh, MD, is a board-certified gastroenterologist and an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center.
Everyone experiences stomach discomfort from time to time
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards speaks at a dedication ceremony on May 27 for the greater New Orleans Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System.
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards speaks at a dedication ceremony on May 27 for the greater New Orleans Hurricane and Storm Damage R
Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures
Backgrounder by Lindsay Maizland November 17, 2021
Amazon will cover up to $4,000 per year in travel costs for US employees seeking non-life threatening medical treatments, including elective abortion.
The company notified workers in an internal message that was first reported by Reuters, and a spokesperson confirmed Reuters' reporting t
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January 1951, Frank Smith and John Bodecker from Associated Electric and Gas Corporation appeared before the village board of trustees to propose a franchise to deliver natural gas to village residents. The franchise would be with Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. At that time the only gas fue
Twister BV is a privately held, Netherlands-based service provider that specialises in delivering the most compact and safest high-yield separation gas processing systems to the oil and gas industry.
Twister BV is a privately held, Netherlands-based service provider that specialises in d
Bently Nevada Distributed Protection | 2300 Series | 1900/65a | ADAPT 3701/40
Bently Nevada distrubuted vibration monitoring and protection systems serve to prevent catastrophes (loss of life, financial, environmental) and to monitoring the health of mach