Aemetis, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMTX ) Q2 2022 Results Conference Call August 4, 2022 2:00 PM ET
Todd Waltz - EVP and CFO
Eric McAfee - Founder, Chairman and CEO
Andy Foster - President, Aemetis Advanced Fuels and Aemetis Biogas
Manav Gupta - Credit Suisse
Jordan Levy - Tru
Nestled among the sun-lit trees on the east side of Arizona State University’s Tempe campus is a different kind of tree. It’s a first-of-its-kind mechanical tree, primed to become a major technology in the global fight against climate change. The tree features a metal column and 5-foot dia
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Russia could be planning to stop gas deliveries to Germany, and c
The helicopter crews saved three people trapped in the Pacific Northwest.
By Nicholas Slayton | Published Aug 6, 2022 3:15 PM
The American military’s main focus is deployment abroad, but
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
image: LRBA assists PKA to switch on AQP2 water channels for the prevention of further water loss from the body during dehydration. view more
Credit: Department of Nephrology, TMDU
Researchers led by Tokyo Medi
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EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) — Dehydration is one of the biggest concerns during football camps in the summer, and the New York Giants saw its effects on new center Jon Feliciano.
On the second day of practice, Feliciano developed severe dehydration after a practice without pads. The 30-
Pearl production facilities, well, OK’d
Hilcorp Alaska’s Ninilchik unit plan of operations amendments cover work to bring Pearl pad wells online as natural gas producers
Hilcorp Alaska received approvals of plan of operations amendments from the Alaska Division of Oil and Gas
Posted by admin on Aug 4th, 2022
Shares of Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSE:XBC – Get Rating) have been assigned a consensus rating of “Hold” from the nine research firms that are currently covering the company, Marketbeat Ratings reports. One analyst has rate
BSEE informed that recently, several fires occurring during hot work have been reported. Hot work is any job with the potential to create an ignition source, such as an open flame, sparks, or high temperatures. Examples of hot work include welding, using acetylene torches, and grinding and cut