• AMEREN CORP management's discussion and analysis of financial status and operating performance. (Form 10-Q) | Market Filter

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    September 30, 2021, and September 30, 2021, compared with Ameren Missouri customer level

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    The following is Ameren Illinois's income statement compon

  • Equipment display: instrumentation and control

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    News and technology in the global energy industry

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  • When the COVID crisis requires data, who do you call? Judith Oppenheim, citizen statistician

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    Judith Oppenheim at Friendswood's home on Thursday, March 11, 2021. Oppenheim, who had a PhD in chemical engineering at the beginning of the pandemic, began volunteering in a large-scale COVID tracking project in the Atlantic Ocean.

    Judith Oppenheim at Friendswood's home on Thursday, March

  • Dolphin Gas Project, Ras Laffan-Hydrocarbon Technology

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    The Dolphin Gas Project is one of the largest cross-border energy projects in the history of the Middle East. The project transp

  • Phillips 66 (PSX) 2021 Third Quarter Earnings Conference Record | Motley Fool

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    The Motley Fool was founded by brothers Tom and David Gardner in 1993. Through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper columns, radio programs and quality investment services, we help millions of people achieve financial freedom.

    Image source: Motley Fool.

    Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) 2021

  • Bloomberg-Are you a robot?

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  • Opta Group acquires Metcan Industrial Corp.

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    Amherst, NY, November 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - Speyside Equity's portfolio company Opta Group LLC today announced that it acquired

  • The flue gas desulfurization market is expected to grow 5.6%

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    March 12, 2021 08:30 US Eastern Time | Source: Insight Partners Insight Partners

    Pune, India, March 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - According to the latest research report on the flue gas desulfurization market by insight partners, the flue gas desulfuriza

  • Coal Transition in India: A Market Case for Decarbonization | Open Reading Frame

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    Some people call on India to declare a net zero year and offset its carbon emissions through various processes of absorbing and removing greenhouse gases. For India, such a call is unreasonable; despite international pressure, it avoids making commitments or setting hard targets that exceed its c

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