Due to the strong demand for triazine and ethyleneamine, the global market for monoethanolamine is expected to expand. The demand for monoethanolamine can also be attributed to the increasing demand for acid gas removal, such as refinery streams, olefin cracking products, and H2S in natural gas.
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Multiple agencies are dealing with reports of strong stench in Carson, West Carson, and neighboring communities near the Dominguez Strait. Since the beginning of last week to report odor complaints to the South Coast
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Bellelli Engineering primarily designs and supplies processing plants and equipment for the oil and gas industry, ranging from o
Is the recycling of fossil fuels real, or is it a stepping stone to a fossil-free future? Register now for our 11/17 webinar at 2pm Eastern Time
Increased demand for flue gas desulfurization devices and increased demand for corrosion-resistant pipes and storage tanks drive the growth of the
The global automotive electronic control unit market report written by Data Lab Forecasts (DLF) provides a comprehensive overview of all industries and regions as well as detailed information on the initiators of market growth. The automotive electronic control unit market report has also been af
New Jersey, USA-"Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum (FGDG) Sales Market Report" is one of the most comprehensive and important supplements to Market Research Intellect's market research archives. It provides detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the global flue gas desulfurization
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News and technology in the global energy industry
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Most oil refineries in the Middle East are resuming work. The refineries in Iran and Syria are still undergoing some maintenance.
According to data from the Fujairah Petroleum Industry Zone specifically provided to Standard & Poor's Global Platts Energy Information, the petroleum produc